by a Court Chaplain
While working at the Court I met a you girl who was attending Court charged with Driving Under the Influence and she asked me if she could do the Positive Living Skills Program.
Katrina (alias) had just gone through a breakdown of her own marriage and had to move back home to live with her parents as she has two small children. I started working with her and when she had to go to Court she asked me if I would go with her for support, which I did.
The Magistrate was impressed that she had undertaken to do the Positive Living Skills Program and she only got a six month loss of licence and a $700 fine. Her alcohol reading was .135 and she also had three speeding fines during the past year. Another man in the same court received a $2000 fine and a loss of licence for 12 months for a reading of .12
Katrina then told her solicitor, who had never heard to the program, how she was only going to do the program to look good. Yet she was soon getting so much out of it that after just a few sessions she felt so much better about herself.
The solicitor asked me if he could refer other clients as he was so surprised with the outcome with Katrina. If it helps people like Katrina then why not give others a chance too. I did tell him it is not a get out of goal free program and the participants have to put the effort into it as well to get the required results.
As Katrina’s mother saw such a lot of improvement in her daughter, she asked me if I would be willing to do a program with her, as she had been struggling over the past couple of years. Her daughter was so positive about the program and she thinks that is what she needs also.